DMIT SOFTWARE - Mind Tech International
DMIT SOFTWARE 2024-05-29T08:57:22+00:00

MindTech International is basically into conducting Multiple Intelligence Test based on Dermatoglyphics technique ( DMIT ). In DMIT Business we are selling DMIT Software, DMIT Mini Software and DMIT Franchise



Achieve sustainable business performance with us

We have 4 DMIT Software :

  1. Mini software with 11 Pages report
  2. Enterprise software with 43 Pages report 
  3. Premium software with 56 Pages report
  4. Premium Plus software with 77 Pages report

Premium Plus software is our Customized and unique design with attractive presentation and well explained contents. The language which has been used is very simple in order to understand by a simple common man.

These 3 Reports are Lifetime Reports. Reports are available in 4 languages; English, Hindi, Gujarati and Marathi.

We’d Love to Hear From You, Get In Touch With Us!

    Contact Info

    A- 410, Star World, Green City Road,
    GauravPath, pal , Surat,
    Gujarat, India.

    Phone Numbers:
    +91 84609 97779
    +91 84601 66996


    Mini DMIT Software :

    From Mini DMIT software you can generate 9 pages of report. It will contain all the basic information like; Brain Lobes Functions, TFRC Distribution Map, Personality & Behaviours etc.. This report you may use as USP i.e. marketing tool or you can give this report to any one at low cost.

    DMIT Franchisee :

    You can start your business at the most affordable cost. Per report cost is chargeable. You can get any report from the above mentioned reports.

    We will now introduce you to Dermatoglyphics technique in brief:

    Dermatoglyphics (from ancient Greek derma = skin, glyph = carving) is the

    scientific study of fingerprints. The term was coined by Dr. Harold Cummins, the father of American fingerprint analysis. The process of fingerprint identification had been used for several hundred years now.

    •  Scientists researched skin ridge patterns and established that the fingerprint patterns actually develop in the womb and are fully formed by the fourth month of pregnancy.
    •  The main thrust of scientific Dermatoglyphics research has been directed into genetic research and the diagnosis of chromosomal defects. Over the last thirty years or so, more than four thousand medical research papers have been written on the significance of skin-ridge patterns!
    •  Significant investigations have been carried out into the Dermatoglyphics indicators of congenital heart disease, cancer, intestinal disorders, A lzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia, autism as well as other forms of mental illnesses. Most of this research has only been published in International medical journals.

     Prof Howard Gardner Is :

    Prof. Howard Gardner

    •  Senior Director at Harvard, Professor of Cognition and Education
    •  Author of more than 20 books, Most famous being one on “Multiple
      Intelligences” called “Frames o f Mind”
    •  Has  26 Honorary degrees & was selected in “Top 100 Influential Thinkers
      in the World”

    After years of extensive research he defined 8 intelligences. The multiple intelligences he defined are

    • The ability to think in pictures and visualize future results
    • The ability to imagine things in your mind’s eye
    • The ability to perceive spatial information
    • Those with strong spatial intelligence are often proficient at solving puzzles. This intelligence is high in artists, photographers, pilots, painters and architects.
    • The ability to read, write, and communicate with words
    • The ability to use language to express one’s thoughts and to understand other people orally or in writing
    • They tend to learn best by reading, taking notes, listening to lectures, and discussion and debate.
    • This intelligence is high in writers, lawyers, philosophers, journalists, politicians and teachers.
    • The ability to distinguish among an individual’s own feelings, to accurate mental models of themselves, and use them to make decisions about life.
    • The capacity to know one’s self, Careers which suit those with this intelligence include philosophers, psychologists, theologians, writers and scientists.
    • The ability to reason and calculate
    • Enables individuals to use and appreciate abstract relations
    • The ability to manipulate numbers, quantities, operations, etc.
    • Many scientists, mathematicians, engineers, doctors and economists function in this level of intelligences.
    • Allows one to distinguish among, classify, and use features of the environment
    • The ability to discriminate among living things and to see patterns in the natural world
    • Careers which suit those with this intelligence include wild Life Photographer, naturalists, conservationists, gardeners and farmers.
    • Enables individuals to recognize and make distinctions among others’ feelings and intentions
    • The ability to work effectively with others and display empathy
    • Careers which suit those with this intelligence include politicians, managers, teachers, and social workers.
    • Allows individuals to use all or part of one’s body to create products, solve problems, or present ideas and emotions.
    • Using the body in highly differentiated ways for expressive, recreational, or goal directed purposes
    • People who have this intelligence usually enjoy acting or performing, and in general they are good at building and making things.
    • Careers which suit those with this intelligence include athletes, dancers, actors, surgeons, builders and soldiers.

    As you know, the Indian education system, focuses more on cramming information in the minds of our children, rather than giving them true knowledge, which they can use to shape a successful career. Our system also overlooks the specific learning needs of each child, who is unique, resulting in immense stress.

    Shockingly, above 12,000 students commit suicides in India due to exam related stress. This number is alarming and makes us wonder where our system is going wrong!!!!!!!

    You, as parents need to take an active role in understanding the special intrinsic potential of your child, and design suitable learning methods around your child needs. DMI Assessment technique has been developed by scientists and research experts from World renowned universities and is based on knowledge from Genetics, Embryology, Dermatoglyphics, Psychology and Neuroscience.

    Company Growth of DMIT Franchise in India

    Let us bring to your kind notice that our work is in progress since 2010. We are active in 20 Indian states with more than 2000 clients worldwide.

    We are equally active working for international countries like Nigeria, England, Hong Kong, South Africa, Poland, Canada, USA, Libya, Algeria, Bahrain, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam and Singapore. Our future progressive development will be in action for New Zealand, Australia, Zimbabwe, Japan and Yemen.

    There is a higher likelihood of success due to our constant regularly working for this business. We are quite confident that If you follow the system applied by us; your way for an easy running this business shall be very successful with an ease of working. Following are the reasons for why we are being selected for the business of DMIT & Mid-Brain Activation.

    Know More….

    You can establish your own DMIT Franchise network under your brand name.

    In real world academic instruction, DMIT Franchise module helps students enhance their own already existing talent sets and prepare for an improved learning experience. DMIT Franchise Module suggests the most practical learning and provides guidance. On several courses that could enhance the student’s natural receptivity. DMIT Franchise significantly assesses the natural acumen and talent of individuals. DMIT Franchise the most feasible learning business opportunity for each and every individual. Mind Tech International’s DMIT franchises module attempts to map the various creative and intellectual processes inside the brain. Mind Tech International’s DMIT franchises several facets and applying studying, reasoning, and decision-making and also creativity.

    Mind Tech International’s DMIT franchises provide guidance on career choice that will help them become successful in their life.

    Please Contact Us…..

    DMIT Franchise In India Profitable Business Opportunity

    Most of you have indicated your level of financial commitment and taking into consideration the market conditions, we have adjusted our investment requirements. For details of this new exciting offer of DMIT franchise in India.

    You’ve made the right decision in considering DMIT franchise in India with low cost best business opportunity. MindTech International is the no. 1 & fastest growing DMIT/ MidBrain company in the industry.

    We’re offering a good fit to help expand the DMIT Franchise In India franchise brand. We are offering a worldwide business opportunity to enterprising, enthusiastic and qualified persons to take various educational programs for children from four years old to fourteen and Professional Training programs for adults.

    In association with other pioneers in DMIT franchise in India as well as international, and follow up DMIT programs, we are looking for dynamic, enthusiastic and committed individuals to bring the benefits of these revolutionary self-development programs to all the children and adults of the world.

    We provide an ideal DMIT franchise business package in India making it possible for individuals and corporations, who intend to work in the rewarding field of whole mind education with low risk investment, you can own and operate your own DMIT franchise business.

